I dealt with some COs during my fade, but I knew how the game was played. My circumstances were very different from anything "normal". In my case, the first was an a$sho!e of a CO when I was still an elder who helped start my fade. Then we had a sub-CO who was "nice" and requested to meet with me privately. Turned out he was a rather condescending prick and made it easier for me to continue my fade. Then yet another new CO requested to meet with me privately. He actually admitted the local elders were idiots and he asked me for advice. He left the circuit just a couple of months later. Yes, it was something I said.
At this point, I would never meet with another CO, nor would I encourage anyone else to. Why bother? The bad COs will only make you hate WT more. The good COs will just tell you jokes or listen sympathetically if you talk. They are just WT middle managers, nothing more.